Funding Report

We have setup an ambitious agenda for the future ahead and believe that coordinated efforts of all the members will take us through to the achievement of the objectives.
In order to execute projects locally and to support financially, efficient fund raising remains a critical activity for success of the *Born to Serve Group*

Therefore we take this opportunity to chart out the procedure for collection of monthly contributions hereafter. For this we will continue to follow from now onwards, a simple and small principle *Save 1% of your income for Nation *
The money that contributed will be used for
  1. Providing financial aid to meritorious but poor student
  2. Providing books and other needed infrastructure for the students
  3. As a prize money to students who win born to serve competitions
  4. For travelling and other logistics for the volunteers
  5. In further expansions of our services like, setting up village libraries, providing a permanent tutor for students, etc
All the members of the Born to serve are encouraged to follow this principle and make contributions accordingly. The amount of money spent for the events will be published after the day of the event, and the financial data of where we stand will be presented every quarter.Money has enormous value which is not measurable when it is used for a noble cause. I encourage all the members to participate and contribute for this noble cause (Born to Serve). People are encouraged to transfer monthly/quarterly/yearly of any amount startings from 100/- to below account. Mail to any one of Leadership team members for any more queries.
Please add the below account details in your respective net banking accounts:
Name of the Account   : BORN TO SERVE GROUP (BSG)
Account Number is : 059805005001
IFSC Code: ICIC0000598 

Expense Report for Financial Year 2016-17

Expense Report for Financial Year 2017-18