Career Guidance Event @ ZPHS Ramsagaram

Again it was a good experience in conducting the event. The kind of encouragement we received is superb. ZPHS Ramsagaram  have more strength than ZPHS Tirumalapur. We have conducted the event for 100+ students.

It was a rainy day. We (I and Madhu) reached the school at 10:15AM in the morning. First the teachers  gave us only 1.5 hour for the event. Later they agreed to extend another half an hour. So we started the event at 10:30AM and finished at 12:45PM.

As usual we started with ice breaker, and continued it. This time we didn't forget to bring chocolates and also some pens. We were able to make them attentive by rewarding chocolates/pens for valid answers. With this we have successfully completed Gajwel chapter second event.

Though I had a thought of doing some kind of service that is valid and to needy, never got a chance of putting into action. With our BS group, I am able to put my thoughts into action some extent. Thanks to all supporters. With this event I am able to meet  my old classmates who settled as teachers.

And where ever I go, if I find any teacher, I am sharing about our group. Good thing is, to whom ever I speak, they  requested us to visit their school too.

Looking forward to take up more number of possible schools.
Wishing the team all the success!!!